00174 We Must Rely on the Quan Yin Method to Be Liberated from Life and Death
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  • Summary

By focusing on the Wisdom Eye, our mind will become very happy and gain much understanding, and it can help us go beyond the Three Realms quickly. Once one has passed the Three Realms, the ordinary mind no longer exists. All that exists is our soul, original Self or our own Master. The Master is different from the mind. They are called Hun and Po respectively: Hun means the Master, and Po means the mind. We cannot practice without the mind's help, therefore we should practice with the body, speech and mind. However, the mind is difficult to control. It is like a wild horse that needs to be trained well; and a good horse trainer is needed to tame a wild horse. Only through the Quan Yin Method can we help the mind find the way home. When the mind arrives home, it will understand the instruction from our soul.

No matter what method we use to practice, as long as it is below the wisdom eye, it is still bound by human emotions, it is still controlled within the Three Realms. Sometimes we have bad dreams because our Master or our mind goes to the Dan Tian solar plexus. So it happens at the Dian Tian area when we have bad dreams or see something not nice. In fact, we don't go anywhere to suffer or enjoy. That's what "everything is created by the mind" means.


  1. Why did Quan Yin Bodhisattva appear as a female? It is said that women cannot attain Buddhahood, then why didn't she turn into a man?
  2. Shakyamuni Buddha said, "Tears from sentient beings are more than the water in the ocean." But why does Master say, "Tears from Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are more than those from sentient beings"?
  3. Sometimes when we encounter problems, we will frown because we have to concentrate on thinking. Everyone has this kind of experience. Think about it, which part do you think with?
  4. Why don't people feel sleepy after more spiritual practice?
  5. Why do some people feel dizzy and fall asleep unintentionally when they meditate and practice spiritually?
  6. We have a lot of chakras in our bodies. They are doors leading to other realms. How should we control ourselves so that when we die, we will not run out through chakras of lower levels?
  7. We gain power no matter which chakra we practice on, be it the ear, the heart, or the Dan Tian. There will be power but why do they have nothing to do with spiritual liberation?
  8. What is included in the Quan Yin Method taught by Master? It is so that we are kept very safe and won’t get lost. We would know the way wherever we go.
  9. If we do not select a very good method and practice in confusion, is that the reason for the many difficulties, obstacles, and dangers?
  10. When we reach a certain level in our spiritual practice, we have no "mind"; no eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, or mind. At that time, what should we rely on to pull us up?
  11. By practicing other methods, people can also enter Samadhi and feel comfortable, but after a while, they will not progress or go higher but come to a standstill. Why?
  12. Buddhas and Bodhisattvas have to manifest as human beings to deliver sentient beings. Their appearance looks normal, just like ordinary bodies. Are there any differences inside?
  13. Because the pure land and earth are separated by the dark world, we are unable to rise up from the earth. And the power of the pure land can't be released to the earth, either. So, how can we leave this earth and reach the pure land?
  14. There is a big power plant in the universe; everything is created from this power plant. How can we communicate with the power from this big power plant, to not only save ourselves but also help countless beings?

*This inspiring discourse was recorded during the early years when Supreme Master Ching Hai give public lectures. Although the quality of recording was less than perfection due to limited preparation and lack of advanced equipment at that time. Please pardon us for imperfect audio quality at times.