00176 The Secret of the Wisdom Eye
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  • Summary

From the top of our head to the four extremities, there is one area that can be called dark which blocks our wisdom from passing through; even if it does pass through, it may change negatively. Therefore, it is probably that our mind is thinking of very good things, our wisdom is also thinking about very good things but when it is put into action, it turns out badly. That dark place is like a closed door which should be opened so that wisdom can flow down. 
The Wisdom Eye has two doors. The highest place that can be reached within the three worlds is called “Brahma” in Buddhism. When this door is opened, one may have some wisdom and blessings; whilst the other door, once opened, can take you to infinite realms beyond the three worlds. The “Wisdom Eye” that I am talking about now is the one beyond the three worlds. 
When the pure Buddha Light is brought to this world, it is necessary to use a protective tool, just like an electrical wire without which electricity cannot flow through. Even though electricity is available, we are unable to use it. We need a tool to tap into this electricity. It is just like water flowing down from the mountains. It will become unclean and cannot be used without a water pipe to protect the water flowing through. So, similar to the water pipe, through the Living Master water is taken to our house from the source. It is safe, clean and pure. 
1. The Shakyamuni Buddha said that we all have Buddha nature, but why are we not able to find It? We also hear that the Buddha is in the heart, why can’t we find Hierm, either?
2. It is said that all beings are Buddha, but why are some people so bad, and others so good? 
3. We often say, “Buddha’s Light shines forever”, which means the “Infinite Light”, the Light is everywhere. But why is Buddha’s Light not within the three worlds?
4. Why must we have an Enlightened Master to guide us in our spiritual practice? 
5. Why is it not possible to go beyond the three worlds and get eternal liberation if we practice on the centers below the Wisdom Eye?
6. Many people do not seem to have much demonic karmic hindrance before their spiritual practice. But why do they encounter more and more karmic hindrance after they begin their spiritual practice? 
7. There is no connection at all between the Pure Land and the impure world. How should we get connection and communication?
8. What does “The flower blooms and the Buddha appears”, or “realize one’s own Self Nature and attain Buddhahood” mean?
9. Does Astral projection or out-of-body experience have anything to do with Tathagata? Are they the same?
10. What does “Universal” door in “The Chapter of the Universal Door” mean?
11. We often recite the name Quan Yin Bodhisattva (or Arya Avalokiteshvara), but this is actually not Hiers title. This Name cannot be translated into any ordinary language. Why must we practice the Quan Yin Method to know this?
12. A person said that he read Amitabha Sutra which describes the Western Pure Land with golden land and tree leaves as jewels; there are also birds singing, Eight-Virtue Water, lotus flowers, etc. He said that the Western Pure Land does not mean much to him, as he does not desire anything in this world, why should he desire jewelry in the Pure Land? Do we practice because we want to gain admission into the Western Pure Land?
13. Why do we want to attain Buddhahood?
14. Shakyamuni Buddha said, “All beings have Buddha Nature”, animals also have Buddha Nature. Why can’t they become Buddha and yet only humans can attain Buddhahood?
15. Is it possible to hear that wondrous (Inner Heavenly) Sound if one is not initiated nor a spiritual practitioner? If we have a similar experience, how are we able to tell the real from the unreal realms?