00463 Why There is Conflict and Slander Between Religions
00463 Why There is Conflict and Slander Between Religions
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Since ancient times, all religions have been criticizing, disparaging and refusing to co-operate with other religions. Why? We know all religions encourage people to do good, fulfill their social responsibilities and pray for help from the power higher than that of our humans. Since all religions talk about the same thing, why do they all regard their own religion as the highest and others as heretics?

Supreme Master Qing Hai points out: non-enlightenment is the main reason behind this. They do not understand other religions and they still have ego, arrogance, and desire for fame and wealth, but no selfless attitude, they think they are the greatest, all because they are not enlightened. With enlightenment, we know we are nothing and all sentient beings are equal with us. That’s why, after enlightenment, Shakyamuni Buddha said all sentient beings have Buddha nature; Jesus Christ said all beings are children of God, and Lao Zi said all are one.