00470 The Method of Drying Clothes in Tibet
00470 The Method of Drying Clothes in Tibet
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  • Summary

Why was Sakyamuni Buddha subjected to a six-year ordeal of ascetic practice before He attained enlightenment? Was there a special meaning behind this? What is the Method of Drying Clothes in Tibet, and why won't this practice lead us to our God Nature? Ancient Masters imparted the method of spiritual practice to their disciples only after they had passed a series of tests. However, Supreme Master Ching Hai opens Her door wide to the whole world. Why? In this discourse, Master shares stories about Her early days with the residents. In order to edify them, She had to deal with their ego, misunderstanding and preconceived ideas. This gives us a glimpse into the incomparable love, patience and greatness of a living Master.