00474 The Story of Bernadette
00474 The Story of Bernadette
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  • Summary

Bernadette was born in a poor Christian family. One day she was gathering firewood when she heard the sound of wind and supernatural music, and saw the spiritual body of Blessed Virgin Mary. From then on, she got enlightened and was endowed with incredible power. What message does God want to send through the story of Bonar? Supreme Master Qing Hai points out: those with a simple heart will realize the Tao, Lao Tzu said one need to return to the childhood and become like a child to realize the Tao, and Jesus Christ also said that we can not return to the kingdom of God unless we become as innocent as a child. Therefore, the most important is that we are pure-hearted and undiscriminating between happiness and misery.

Bernadette cannot save herself even if she could heal others’ illnesses, but she didn’t complain. The quality of non-complaining is a very high level. We can accept any situation, because we see them as God's blessings and Bodhisattva’s arrangements. Then we will be contented and living with ease and happiness, never swayed by anything. This is the same with Lao Tzu’s teaching that 'Nothing matters in the world ' so that we can accept anything; we can also say 'anutpattika-dharma-ksanti’, which means we tolerate without knowing that we have the ability of tolerance. When others slander us, we feel no pain; when others praise us, we do not feel proud. This level sounds simple but is not easy to attain, because our wisdom is not opened, and we see things with discrimination. We endlessly want different things and never get contented, and we don’t know what is really good or bad.