00484 Method to Practice before Becoming a Guan Yin Practitioner
00484 Method to Practice before Becoming a Guan Yin Practitioner
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  • Summary

Initiation into Guan Yin Method is a very solemn and important matter which rarely occurs in millions of lifetimes. To practice the Guan Yin Method, we should keep our action, speech and mind extremely clean, be a lifetime vegan and keep the five precepts. To respond to the audience’s longings, Supreme Master kindly teaches a method to practice before becoming a Guan Yin practitioner, so as to make the spiritual practice easier for people while cleansing some karma and bringing more happiness and freedom to them. This small method is not small at all and depends totally on how much power the teacher has. Supreme Master emphasizes that all sentient beings’ lives are precious; even if you only practice the small method without initiating with Master, you should try your best to be a vegan.