00483 How to Choose a Blissful World after Death
00483 How to Choose a Blissful World after Death
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We can experience life, aging, illness, and death in this world. We are all prepared for life, aging and illness, but no one is prepared for death. People are the loneliest at the time of death, with no one around and all the wealth and status becoming useless. Every one’s near-death experience is different. It would be alright if we can come back as a human. Unfortunately some people can not be born as humans but suffer a lot as an animals in this world, or even worse, go to hell. So it’s better that we practice the Guan Yin Method, that means to let Master help us to be prepared and tell us what to do at the time of death, so that we can get enough exercises before we die. A fully prepared man won’t feel strange when death comes, and understands that the places up there is better than this world, so they will not be attached to this world and will not come back again as a human to experience sufferings of Life, aging, illness, and death.

Tao exists inside for believers or non-believers alike. The Guan Yin Method has nothing to do with religions, so it doesn’t matter if we believe in any religion. Every religion is meant to teach people good things, including doing good deeds, giving, keeping precepts, humiliation, all-loving, compassion, etc. All religions teach these key points; that is the responsibility for religion; whereas the Guan Yin Method is to teach people to experience another kind of world. After practicing the Guan Yin Method, we will see many different worlds which are very beautiful and blissful. After we die, we can go to live in those eternal places; or even before we die, we can sometimes see those places where we are going to live after death, the blissful worlds for us to choose freely.