00493 Practice Method of Action, Speech, and Thought
00493 Practice Method of Action, Speech, and Thought
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  • Summary



In this lecture, Supreme Master Ching Hai explains that the practice method of action, speech, and thought does not only mean to stop harmful behaviors to ourselves and others, but also to go forward and do good deeds that are beneficial to everyone. The more we look at the universe, the more ashamed and humble we will feel, and then we will feel the need to cultivate ourselves. At that time, we can say we are practicing. The Lord of Creation gives us only one mouth so as to let us talk less. If we have to talk, talk only about morality and things that are beneficial and remindful to everybody. The best thought is the wish for liberation from life and death, and gain great wisdom and great power to help ourselves and others out of all sufferings.

When we keep our action, speech, and thought clean, our body will be peaceful and our spirit will be happy; no matter what others do, we will not be affected; we will feel blissful and attain Khanti Paramita (humiliation bearing status). However, the perfection of action, speech, and thought gained through spiritual practice is only useful in this mundane world, because our action, speech and mind, is affected by this world, and the distinction between good and bad is just a concept of this world.