00523 The Meaning of a Monastic Life
00523 The Meaning of a Monastic Life
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In India, the monks think that being a monk is their responsibility. They think they should leave home at middle age when they have fulfilled their social responsibilities and family duty. Their life is very simple: practicing mendicancy wherever they go and taking a rest when the stomach is full. They go to one place after another, spreading teachings as they beg for food house by house. They will not give up their mission even if there’s no food to eat sometimes. Because of their persistent spirit of seeking the Tao regardless of any situation, saints are born among them life after life. The greatest Masters in the world all come from India.

We should respect the monks because it’s not easy to put down everything. They are representatives of religion, kindness and virtues. When we see monks, we will immediately think of Buddha, higher ideals, and simple and noble lifestyles. The best way to give is to be a monk. It does not necessarily mean we should take the tonsure, but we should offer our action, speech, and mind to Buddhas in ten directions and all sentient beings. This is the true spirit of renunciation. Being a monk or a householder, we should have the right judgment, fearless attitude and the courage to say the truth when we seek for the Tao. In this way, we will surely attain the highest status.