00530 How To Achieve Eternity
00530 How To Achieve Eternity
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This world was created originally for to learn virtues, and to wake us up so that we can search inside. But we are busy looking outside everyday, and forget that our real Self is inside. In Buddhism, this real Self is called “original Self”, “Buddha nature”, or “great wisdom”, which can provide a lot and doesn’t need anything. We practitioners will have wisdom, supernatural powers and freedom after finding the real Self. Supernatural power doesn’t mean the magic stuff, but a kind of very noble and great power. To have that freedom, we should put down this physical body, and go out with the inner real Self , because where there is physical body, there is destruction. Anything with physical form will be destroyed sooner or later, no matter how strong it is. That’s why we don’t rely on this physical body to achieve immortality. There is only one way for us to find the eternal world, and experience a different kind of world even while alive, that is the Guan Yin Method.

Moggallana, disciple of Shakyamuni Buddha with the greatest supernatural power, could fly up to the sky and down to the earth, check in the Hell, and play in Heaven, but when he was beaten to death, his supernatural power didn’t save his life. The reason is that if we have some supernatural power, there is always someone else whose supernatural power is greater than ours. Supernatural power can create a lot of things, but it can not change our destiny or turn us into immortal beings. Immortality means that we will never die after we leave this world and get rid of this impermanent physical body to live in another world. Our physical body is the coarsest and the most visible body. Apart from it, there are also the second, third, fourth and fifth body to get rid of until the invisible and uncatchable body is absent too. At that time, we can be immortal. We should practice the Guan Yin Method, if we aim at the ultimate liberation, immortality or Buddhahood, and if we want to attain the greatest power and the highest status.