00546_V0064 Sincerity and Determination are Essential to Knowing God
00546_V0064 Sincerity and Determination are Essential to Knowing God
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  • Summary

When we listen to the Dharma, read the Sutras, or learn from someone, we should pay attention with sincerity, concentration and respect in order to make judgments; if what we’re hearing or reading is correct, we’ll be able to understand it due to our sincerity and concentration. We should judge with our wisdom instead of using our minds or listening to hearsay or gossip. The world is full of rights and wrongs and gossipers, and we shouldn’t be cheated by these people. We spiritual practitioners should be brave and equipped with fresh concepts, and should search on our own.

If we’re satisfied with our method of practice and have obtained inner joy, peace and love, we know that our method is correct; however, if we’re not yet satisfied, we have the right and responsibility to search for another one. We should take care of ourselves because no one else will take care of us. Even if we’re not yet enlightened or are not fully enlightened, the Buddha, Bodhisattvas and God will be touched by our sincerity and will guide us till we find the Master we’re searching for and the true knowledge we wish to attain.