00547_V0065 An Enlightened Master is Essential in Pursuing Spiritual Practice
00547_V0065 An Enlightened Master is Essential in Pursuing Spiritual Practice
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  • Summary

Due to the action of our conscience over many lifetimes, we accumulate negative influences in our subconscious minds, which record all of our behaviors. Thus, when we do good deeds we may become arrogant, complacent, and unable to humble ourselves enough to search for a Master. In contrast, when we do bad deeds we are tortured endlessly for thousands of years. However, a true Master has the power to enter the library of our subconscious minds and erase the records of our past deeds so that we feel free of karma. If we have no Master to erase these records, we cannot be liberated from the cycle of birth and death.

A Master is a person who is already enlightened and can teach others to attain the same level of enlightenment. If we are truly powerful, diligent, and sincere, even if we fail to attain Buddhahood, we can at least reach the level of Arhat or Maha-Bodhisattva. Therefore, if we want to become liberated and attain Buddhahood in this lifetime, we need to have a Master.

We all possess great wisdom and power, but we lack confidence and practice so we need a teacher to accompany us, both inwardly and outwardly. On the inside Hes knows our heart, our spiritual level, our needs, and our spirit, and on the outside Hes knows how to handle our human emotions and doubts.