00608 Lecture In Prison~Victim of the Age
00608 Lecture In Prison~Victim of the Age
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Supreme Master Qing Hai pays a personal visit to Hua Lian Prison, and encourages the inmates to have more patience. Master says: when time is up, problems will be solved by themselves, it doesn’t help if we are in too much hurry and haste. Since ancient times, great practitioners, kings and real heroes have all been trained in patience. They did not become famous overnight. When we have difficulties, we should thank the Creator or Buddha for giving us a chance to train our patience. We should turn bad situations into good ones and use them to serve ourselves and take advantage of them.

Master also tells stories of Monk Hsu Yun and Guru Aurobindo to explain that we should seek more for spiritual freedom when we lose our physical freedom. When we have got the spiritual freedom, we will never lose it. After that, no matter where our body is locked up or whatever the punishments are, our spirit will not be influenced. This is a blessing in disguise. Every cloud has a silver line. We will see it as long as we are more positive.