00684 The Difference Between Gradual And Sudden Enlightenment
00684 The Difference Between Gradual And Sudden Enlightenment
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What is the method of gradual enlightenment? What is  immediate enlightenment? Supreme Master Ching Hai explains  the difference between the two different kinds of enlightenment. Master also indicated that all those  who practice the method of immediate enlightenment will attain it , while  only two or three among a hundred  who practice gradual enlightenment method may get enlightenment. But why most people still prefer the gradual method? Because we  do not have self-confidence so we are deceived by Maya and  brainwashed by our habit life after life, we think  we have too much karma to become Buddha.

If practicing immediate enlightenment method, we  can see our own Buddha nature right away, realize who we are and make use of our almighty power.  We will feel more and more safe ,  know more and more of our own power, more and more miraculous  things will happen, and our life will be more and more  comfortable and happier , and then  our wisdom will develop further and further!

Sakyamuni Buddha said, t “Buddha is  inside  us”; The Bible also stated that “The kingdom of God is within you.” We must be great beings since we can accommodate God and Buddha within us.  Why should we  think that we have heavy karma and cant not become a Buddha? Therefore, if any teaching says  that we are very insignificant, with very heavy karma and cannot attain Buddhahood, that we should repent every day, and should do this and that, then it’s a binary method. It will bind  us in a lower level.  We cannot get rid of this preconceived idea if we believe  it all the time. To liberate means to free ourselves from those preconceived ideas that bind us!

If we care about our future, we should start practicing spiritually today. We practice not just to go to the Pure Land, but to change this world, make it clean, happy, peaceful, so that the later generations can live in peace and harmony.