M026 One World of Peace through Music
M026 One World of Peace through Music
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This spectacular benefit musical gathering featured celebrities and stars from the worlds of Hollywood film and TV music, classical music, traditional Irish music and rock and roll. The event highlighted musical interpretations of Supreme Master Ching Hai's beautiful poetry by world-renowned composers, singers, orchestras and bands.

The concert reached its climax with the Supreme Master's clear, melodious and touching rendition of Her composition Farewell Song. The CD features all of these brilliant performances so that listeners may relive the realm of absolute beauty that stirred the minds and spirits of the original audience members.

  1. Farewell Song/ 驪歌
  2. I Will Forever Love You/ 亙古之愛
  3. Love Melody IV/ 情歌之四
  4. The Prince/ 王子
  5. Winter Afternoon/ 冬午
  6. Cannot Do a Thing with My Heart/ 無奈
  7. He Couldn't Buy/ 千金難買
  8. Farewell Song (Mel Kubik)/ 驪歌
  9. Like a Bird/ 似孤鳥

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One World of Peace through Music