00686 Why Is It Difficult To Follow An Enlightened Master’s Instructions?
00686 Why Is It Difficult To Follow An Enlightened Master’s Instructions?
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 Most people don’t realize that doing things they like or doing things their Master commands will have different benefit. That’s why even though it’s very difficult to find a Master, staying with an enlightened Master after you find Him is even more difficult. Therefore, many people practice spiritually and only attain the level of an Arhat or the level of a Bodhisattva. To attain Buddhahood is more difficult because they can’t get rid of their egos. The “ego” is the preconceived notions and worldly concepts we’ve collected. We have opinions on what’s good and what’s bad. We’ve learned everything. We think the world has taught us well, and our Master has nothing much to teach us. This is where we make mistakes.



1.If we want to progress quickly in spiritual practice, there are two methods. One is to rely on yourself to look inside. The other is to be close to an enlightened master. Most masters feel it’s enough to let you get a glimpse of them or teach you a method for you to go back and practice on your own. How come very few masters would teach you and accompany you?

2.Some enlightened masters in the ancient times pretended to be crazy; some of them tested disciples very harshly. Some of them went into hiding for they didn’t want to teach people. Why does Master keep doing this “business”?

3.Many Truth seekers have the illusion that once we attain the Buddhahood, we will get a lot of benefits, be superior than others, have a lot of wisdom, or be better than others. Why does Master say that the Truth is not a kind of reward?

4.Why is it that many people practice spiritually but few have attained the ultimate Truth? Life after life, we have been deceived and covered with sufferings, confusions, and preconceived notions. Therefore, when we meet an enlightened master, it’s very difficult for us to grab on to that faith. Master cited the story of Milarepa to let us learn two important lessons.

5.Why does Master say that meditation is the most difficult work? What kind of people can meditate for a very long time and don’t have any guilty feeling even though they don’t work every day?

6.Why is it that after some people renouncing the world to be a monk or nun, contrary to what one might suppose, their ego comes out easily? Would you like to know how Master tests the monks and nuns?

7.Many people are very sincere in their spiritual practice, but lost in their own virtues. What are the differences between true ascetic practice and self punishments?

8.Due to failing to follow his master’s instructions, Milarepa had to practice very hard for over a decade to attain great enlightenment. Listen to Master explaining the hidden blessing power behind the instructions of an enlightened master.

9.Why does Master say that an enlightened master is not so difficult to find, it’s our own enlightened master who is difficult to find?

10.We heard that we will be liberated by getting a glimpse of an enlightened master.  Why do we still need to practice spiritually?

11.How to tell whether a thought is from our mind or from the wisdom?

12.If I get initiation regardless of my family's opposition and my parents’ anger, is it unfilial?

13.In addition to the Light and the Sound, after initiation, you will know what a truly comfortable life is. Every day, miracles happen. Every day, you feel the protective power, and every day, you feel the loving power that protects and takes care of us. That is our true Self loving us.

14.We work 8 hours a day, but don't get much benefit from it. We do it out of obligation. Because we already have this body, the society and the customs, we cannot afford not to work. But the 2.5 hours of meditation will help the whole universe, the whole world, the whole society, our deceased ancestors of the past, our future generations, our relatives and friends and anyone we love. So this 2.5 hour is the real work.