00685 Liberated By Catching A Glance Of An Enlightened Master
00685 Liberated By Catching A Glance Of An Enlightened Master
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  • Summary


Why can our souls be liberated after seeing the Master or Buddha? Because the Master or Buddha is  separated from his karma, mind and any concept of ordinary human beings. Even though he still has the human body and mind, but he knows very clearly that it is not himself. Our real self is very free,  even though the mind doesn’t know, but the soul knows, it just forgets. Once we see others do it, we’ll know how to do it. That’s why when we see the Master or Buddha, or even just hear their names, we can get liberated.

The mind is just a tool, like a computer that records collected information and reacts according to these experiences, without discriminating good and bad. The soul is the Master and our real Self. No matter how ignorant we were, and how heavy our karma is, as soon as the soul is awakened, we can get liberation in one lifetime. Our inner true Self is always intelligent and wise, it is never born and never dies, neither defiled nor clean, neither increase nor diminish. Liberation means to separate our real Self from the mind, and we can make use of the mind, but we don’t belong to the mind. Please listen to the Supreme Master Ching Hai’s brilliant metaphors on this subject that clear any doubts we may have. 

We should love others and not to hurt anyone, any sentient being. The more we love and protect other sentient beings, the nobler our life is, and the closer we are to the Truth, the Tao.