02168 The old Woman and the Jumping Beans+The Merit of Saving Lives
02168 The old Woman and the Jumping Beans+The Merit of Saving Lives
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  • Summary


Master humorously tells three interesting stories

1. An old woman lived a frugal life all alone. She recited mantras everyday with the company of happy beans for 30 years. This story tells us that when we have a  good intention  to correct others, we may as well think about the pure, happy, sincere, humble and seemingly ordinary old woman in the story of “The Old Woman with the Jumping Beans”.

2. What kind of behavior is  “loyalty and patriotic”? Master shows  us with Qu Yuan’s example: that man  Qu Yuan killed himself  when the King told  him to die. What for? There are so many kings in this world, no? This is not the one and only. If this king is not good, we can find another. Loyalty does not mean we have to be loyal to any  king, but only to the good one. We should not be loyal to the bad king. Sometimes we wonder why good people with high moralities have to work  with not good people  in a not so good  environment. Master explains: that’s because they have to be there to balance the negative power a little. If not so, negative power will be everywhere and no one will be there to guide them to better places. They just need a little balance.
3. This is a story about bees. One’s life could be saved by merely freeing several bees, let alone keeping a vegan diet every day. Just imagine how many lives have been set free by us. Setting them free means protecting their lives, letting  them free so they won’t die. They may  also die when they are starved, so feeding them is also setting them free. Please listen to Master’s further explanation of setting lives free and teachings about how to take care of ants, birds, rats and wild animals.