00544 Lecture In Prison : The Real Meaning Of Freedom
00544 Lecture In Prison : The Real Meaning Of Freedom
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Supreme Master Ching Hai is always concerned about the inmates, she personally visited them in prison and gave lectures to male and female inmates separately. Supreme Master encourages the audience: our true freedom doesn’t belong to this body. Most people in this world are prisoners; some are imprisoned in a house while others are imprisoned in the heart. It’s the easiest and most hopeful to be locked up in a house, because we can leave when time is up; it’s the most pitiful, however, to be locked in the prison of greed, anger , attachment, ignorance and desire and cannot let go at death, that’s why many people can not die in peace.. We should not lose hope. We should keep our hope, look forward to finding liberation inside and power of freedom. If we want to be truly free, we should practice our inner heart until no waves or storms can shake us.