00614 Master Talks about Dreams and Tells Stories
00614 Master Talks about Dreams and Tells Stories
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For most people, dreams are very important. Are dreams controllable? How is dream related to spiritual practice? Supreme Master Qing Hai points out that most dreams are composed of the materials gathered when we are awake. Most interpretations of dreams are wrong because for most of the time, we are in another world when we are dreaming. Things taking place there are incomparable with what we have in this world, so it’s not easy to explain. We can solve our problems in life by means of our dreams, and also control our dreams through learning; but we would be closer to heaven if we do not have dreams while we are asleep. The Buddhist sutra also says that the Arhats have no dream.

Supreme Master also tells some stories about the deep and subtle ties between Master and disciples. Master does not only protect and take care of disciples, but also can see into the most mysterious corner in their heart, even knows those minute thoughts that they don’t know themselves. Master radiates so much unconditional love which, whenever we see him, we always feel that he is saying that “I know all about you, but I love you very much !"