The Supreme Master Ching Hai tells the Buddhist story “King Pasenadi of Kosala,” in which a king has an enormous appetite. Because he cannot overcome his drowsiness caused by excessive eating, the king is unable to quiet down even in front of the Buddha. Thus the Buddha cautions his disciples that if they eat too much, they will become drowsy and unable to think or meditate, so they will have to reincarnate again and again. The Buddha reminds his disciples, “If a man is ever mindful and moderate in his food intake, his suffering will be but slight, and he will age slowly and stay healthy.” In addition, Master also recalls what her grandmother said: “The less you eat, the longer you'll stay full; the more you eat, the sooner you'll get hungry.” Due to her moderate eating and the fact that she kept working throughout her life, Master’s grandmother was able to remain healthy and live to the age of 105.