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Video-0855 Supreme Master Ching Hai on the Environment: Going in the Noble Direction
How can one achieve more in life, meditation and work without food, or at least by eating lighter and more simply? Under what circumstances can one cease eating food? In the videoconference with our Association members in Auckland, New Zealand, Supreme Master Ching Hai ..(more)
Video-0856 Supreme Master Ching Hai on the Environment: Benevolent Messages from Mars––Be Virtuous and Save the Earth
Mars has fascinated humankind for centuries, and most recently a NASA research mission to the “Red Planet” has uncovered the exciting possibility of life there. In this compelling dialogue between Supreme Master Ching Hai and the Supreme Master Television staff, we are ..(more)
Video-0858(1.2) Awakening a Peaceful Planet––Toward a Heavenly Earth
This video/audio describes various activities of a great Saint, Supreme Master Ching Hai, in awakening a peaceful planet, from preaching the Quan Yin Method and teaching people how to realize their greatness and wisdom within, to helping victims of urgent need and ..(more)
Video-0859 A Taoist Tale of Longevity
True longevity does not mean everlasting state of the physical body. It means to overcome the law of physics in this world and transcend material things, overcome the ego, free one’s self nature and elevate spirituality to enter “eternal life.” At any era, practice ..(more)
Video-0860(1.2.3) Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai: Global Warming—SOS International Conference on Urgent Problems of Climate Change
Taking place at Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia in January 2009, hear from the world’s leading experts, dignitaries, organizational leaders and concerned citizens on our urgent global warming issues. In this video/audio you can witness the full question and answer session held ..(more)
Video-0861(1.2) “Save Our World” Concert from Mongolia
Following the International Global Warming Conference held in Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia, Supreme Master Ching Hai was invited for a grand concert with the theme “Save Our World!” hosted by our Association members. The event was a celebration of Mongolian ..(more)
Video-0862 Videoconference of Supreme Master Ching Hai and His Respected Excellency Fidel Ramos, the   12th Philippine President—“Act Now! For a More Peaceful & Safer World”
On February 21st, 2009, the 12th Philippine President, His Respected Excellency Mr. Fidel Ramos visited the Taipei Center of the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association to host the “Act Now! For a More Peaceful and Safer World” seminar through live ..(more)
Video-0863(1.2) Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai: SOS—Save the Planet
Held in Xalapa City, Mexico, this festive international conference features some very moving messages from prominent public figures from Mexico, Formosa (Taiwan), Philippines and the United Kingdom. All the speakers supported the green efforts of Supreme Master Ching ..(more)
Video-0864 Trust in God
Meat, alcohol, cigarettes and drugs have caused many diseases and crimes, poisoned our health, mind and spirituality. The resulting karma has also led to various kinds of natural disasters. Most of the people do not know or understand the damaging effect and costly ..(more)
Video-0865 Juice Fast for Peace-Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai
A one-week “Juice Fast for Peace” was held in Culver City, California, USA, by famed health specialists and spiritual leaders, Rabbi Gabriel Cousens, M.D., and Reverend Michael Beckwith, Ph.D. All the participants experienced the purification of body and mind, and ..(more)
Video-0866 The Ego is the Greatest Enemy
You will be inspired by these moving, intimate encounters between Supreme Master Ching Hai and Association members, whereby she speaks frankly about karma, the ego and the current state of our planet, offering inspirational anecdotes and wise words. The Supreme ..(more)
Video-0867(1.2.3) Save Our Earth Conference 2009
At this critical time of climate change, the timely event, “Save Our Earth Conference 2009”, was held in South Korea and attended by over 1700 citizens and dignitaries from various fields. Supreme Master Ching Hai was also invited to attend the conference to share her ..(more)
Video-0868 The Wise Saints—Nasrudin and Rumi's Poems
At an International gathering in 2008, Supreme Master Ching Hai told stories about the Wise Mullah Nasrudin and parables from the poems of Rumi. During her talk she answered the following questions: "Why did Mullah Nasrudin choose money over wisdom in the face of the ..(more)
Video-0869(1.2.3) Be Organic Vegan to Save the Planet
On May 9th, 2009, Supreme Master Ching Hai was invited to attend the videoconference on global warming entitled “Be Organic Vegan to Save the World.” During the conference, the Supreme Master pointed out that the oceans play a major role in regulating the global ..(more)
Video-0871 Practice with Selflessness: Sila and Dhyana Paramita
How should we practice the perfect charity and true meditation? During an international gathering, Supreme Master Ching Hai revealed the answer through the Diamond Sutra which recorded the wisdom of the great Shakyamuni Buddha: “A perfect gift, a perfect charity, it is ..(more)