Why doesn't Master teach the out-of-body method? What is the difference between the out-of-body method and the Quan Yin Method of ultimate liberation? The so-called out-of-body experience is our astral body going out of the physical body; this can be done without much high-level spiritual practice. The real Self is still locked in the astral body. It cannot be omnipresent.
The high-level spiritual journey is the level of Tathagata. It can be present everywhere. At that time, it becomes the "Universal Door" and becomes the "Quan Yin Bodhisattva." It can hear from all the places and can reach anywhere in the universe. To practice the Quan Yin Method is to achieve the level of Tathagata, instead of leaving the body behind and visiting different places with a spiritual body. Many people teach similar methods which look alike, but in fact are different. We should be very clear about the purpose or the outcome of certain spiritual practices. Is it the ultimate one or not?