01250-V0327 What Makes a Country Great
01250-V0327 What Makes a Country Great
No. 01250-V0327
Category / Lecture
Event date / 1993.03.08
Place / (Singapore)
Language / English
Time (mins) / 1h39m20s
Publication No. / video-327
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  • Summary

 Just exactly what makes a country in a higher consciousness than another country? First, the government must be wise; they let other good influences come to their land, and they’re willing to learn and to sacrifice for the people.  They show the people an example.  And they will learn more from wise people and develop more their own wisdom.  Therefore, since ancient times, great kings are worshiped by people and beloved by all for many, many thousands of years. Their names will be engraved in the heart of the universe. And if the governmental system is good, then the people will feel more free and at ease. They will look for a higher value of life because their material side is satisfied; their life security is being looked after.