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Video-0726 A Selfless Motive
God is aware of your actions and I am proud that you have extended your hand to those in need in different ways. Selfless service without seeking reward or praise – such is the dedication that comes from your heart. You are saintly persons and the world ..(more)
Video-0730 Communicating with Love
This video/audio is once again filled with Supreme Master Ching Hai's love and humour as she leads the initiates into discussions about universal communication and vegetarian ingredients in food. Master also instructs us to "follow the teachings in our head, the logic" ..(more)
Video-0731 The Strength of Many Hearts
On the evening of Christmas Day 2001, The Supreme Master Ching Hai and fellow practitioners celebrate together in the Florida Center. During this special gathering, disciples share their inspiring stories of the immense blessings that God showers upon them, and how ..(more)
Video-0733 To Live with Noble Purpose
Even if we are not together, physically, we're always together in noble purposes. I trust you do the same at home, no? Helping, right? Helping others in any way we can, spiritually and materially, right? You have to sit with no motive, except to pray for God's ..(more)
Video-0734 The Touch of a Master
In this video/audio, Supreme Master Ching Hai touches every sentient being visibly and invisibly. Starting with her thoughtfulness, humility and humor, she explains that God is the true love we are looking for. Only by Hiers power the negative within us is diminished ..(more)
Video-0736 The Illusionary Game of Life
In a joyous and relaxing atmosphere, Master met with fellow practitioners in Florida Center during Master's birthday celebration in May, 2002. Master eloquently spoke about the different races of people by using examples of various desserts. She then related stories ..(more)
Video-0737 To Practice with Ease
Topics addressed Are the unusual changes now occurring in the earth's climate related to karma? How should we respond to a drought? Master teaches us a secret way to survive a drought by saving up water. Have you heard Master tell stories about the rise ..(more)
Video-0740 Learning to Live in Harmony
Love thy neighbor – this is an age old adage from which society has become estranged. Today, people focus on material gains and profits while forgetting to live as loving human beings who are part of a larger global family. Supreme Master Ching Hai points out that, in ..(more)
Video-0742 Elevating the World with Spiritual Practice
This DVD covers three of Master's videoconferences with disciples. Fellow initiates raise many questions concerning spiritual practice, such as: How can one overcome persistent distracting thoughts during meditation? In a time when there are many ..(more)
Video-0745 Contributing to This World
In the summer of 2002, a great blessing was bestowed to the world through the ever expanding internet as Supreme Master Ching Hai blessed meditation centers around the world with divine question and answer periods via internet conferences. With boundless patience and ..(more)
Video-0746 Our Loved Ones Go to Heaven
Excerpt from Supreme Master Ching Hai’s lecture: There is no such binding affections in the higher realms. There's only an overwhelming love. It's a love for everyone, including our families and ourselves. If your parents have risen above the astral level, then ..(more)
Video-0747 Children of the Dragon and Fairy
Excerpt from Supreme Master Ching Hai’s lecture: "…Au Lac is a good name indeed.'Au Co Lac Nghiep.' Au Co (the fairy) and Lac Long Quan (the dragon) are our ancestors. It means we are the children of the fairy and the dragon. …Au Lac is an ideal name to remind us of ..(more)
Video-0748 The Beginning of Humility
During the e-conference, Supreme Master Ching Hai lovingly reminds and encourages a fellow practitioner who has much concern about ego by saying “It's good news that you have realized you have some subtle ego. That is a beautiful start.… Yeah, every time you see that ..(more)
Video-0752 A Meeting of Love
Aulacese initiates hold a strong faith and diligently keep up their spiritual practice they have experienced wonderful inner and outer upliftments and developed artistic talents in writing poems and songs dedicated to God. Even though they are apart from Master, ..(more)
Video-0753 Love for All Beings
Animals can teach us a lot. They are very intelligent beings with highly developed emotion, intellect and spirit. They are simple and humble, so we need to be more sensitive to understand their emotional, mental and spiritual needs. Animals understand us and every ..(more)