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00462  Is Immortality Possible?
Highlights: Our soul creates a body as a tool to experience the outer world, and then our body becomes old, useless, and breaks down, so we ..(more)
00463 Why There is Conflict and Slander Between Religions
Highlights: Since ancient times, all religions have been criticizing, disparaging and refusing to co-operate with ..(more)
00464 Why Are Masters’ Lives Always at Risk Since Ancient Times?
Once a listener asked Master to preach to a hungry lion, in order to test if Master can tame the lion. Coincidentally in the Bible, there was a spiritual practitioner named Daniel who was much trusted by the King; the officials around the King, however, were jealous, so they ..(more)
00465 Master’s Way of Giving – The Heart to Share
Supreme Master Qing Hai talks about human origin in Agama Sutra, and stories about her experience of living in Germany in her early years, reminding us to have the spirit of sharing. Supreme Master points out: sharing food is not enough; we should share our spiritual food and ..(more)
00466 The Relationship Between Material and Spiritual Life
Why should we wear elegant and dignified clothes? How does it relate to our manner and family? Why is each individual related to the whole ..(more)
00469-1 The Lifestyle of a Spiritual Practitioner
Highlights Master talked about Her early years when She was addressed as “the great Master from the Himalayans,” and went to shop in a fabric store in shabby clothes and straw shoes. She also told the funny stories about Her experience in taking ..(more)
00469-2 A Spiritual Practitioner Lives in Harmony with Nature
How is the spirit of sacrifice related to progress in spiritual practice? Most sentient beings know to pray to the almighty God or the efficacious Buddhas; but why are they still in ocean of suffering, undergoing transmigration and not attaining ..(more)
00470 The Method of Drying Clothes in Tibet
Why was Sakyamuni Buddha subjected to a six-year ordeal of ascetic practice before He attained enlightenment? Was there a special meaning behind this? What is the Method of Drying Clothes in Tibet, and why won't this practice lead us to our God Nature? ..(more)
00472 Giving Others Peace and Fearlessness
Highlights~ It is a blessing and God’s grace to a country if an Enlightened Master can come to share the Truth in that country. Master not only teaches us the way to attain the ultimate Truth, but also reminds us to follow the examples of the Saints ..(more)
00474 The Story of Bernadette
Bernadette was born in a poor Christian family. One day she was gathering firewood when she heard the sound of wind and supernatural music, and saw the spiritual body of Blessed Virgin Mary. From then on, she got enlightened and was endowed with incredible power. What message ..(more)
00475  Liberating the Souls is the Only Responsibility of an Enlightened Master Summary
The only responsibility of an enlightened Master is to liberate the souls. We should go and find an enlightened Master or a living Buddha before we can be liberated in this life time. ..(more)
00476 The Difference between the Quan Yin Method and Supernatural Powers
Highlights: With supernatural powers, one can control the forces of nature with the ability to summon wind and rain, move mountains and empty oceans and cast beans on ..(more)
00478 How to  Communicate with the Almighty Power of the Universe
We have to pay tolls when driving on the highways of this tangible world. If we want to go to higher realms in the intangible worlds, what kind of tolls do we have to pay? What material is used to make UFOs that ensures they do not explode when passing ..(more)
00482 Buddha Is the Highest Ideal
Buddha is the highest ideal and a status admired by all sentient beings. It’s very frustrating for the enlightened one to find a name for the ..(more)
00483 How to Choose a Blissful World after Death
Highlights: We can experience life, aging, illness, and death in this world. We are all prepared for life, aging and illness, but no one is prepared for death. People are the loneliest at the time of death, with no one around and all the ..(more)